人心可畏 2013-03-05 19:50:51 #81F
不理會無知的人了 言歸正傳,請問costco擅自亂改j&j的動機為何??? 毫無動機啊!因為美國retailers和vendors (廠商)之間都有簽契約,所有商品的毀損(包含過期品)都必須由vendors自行吸收, 它們只是提供銷售展示的平台,不然妳認為costco為何可以讓妳說換就換,說退就退? 這些成本都是vendors要去吸收的. 它幹嘛要去改別人的產品標籤??真的匪夷所思!! retailer要作的是善盡產品把關監督的責任,這件事我認為是costco的危機處理方式不對. 它大可把產品下架後,讓對方把商品買回去保全證據,並要求廠商出面說明事情的原委.並保證將來會更嚴格為會員的權益把關. 以消除大家對產品安全的疑慮.
Riva~* 2013-03-05 21:05:18 #82F
到底是誰無知又想硬拗, 一再提供錯誤訊息給bbh的媽咪們, 妳的行為不只構成毁謗,散播不實謠言,還不知悔改! 說你不把文章看清楚,01版主早已於2/28請j&j公司提出說明, 雖然沒有詳列內容,但01版主已有明確答覆! 倒是您 一再污衊j&j公司的行為,真無法令人容忍, 我將再次push法務儘快處理!
SweetDream 2013-03-05 21:06:13 #83F
此事大家關注的是維護權益和健康, 不要失去焦點在字裡行間誤解,分化。 請不要讓正直熱心的人,受大企業透過法律手段嚇阻,澆熄願意發聲追查者的熱情, 這樣,下一次,在其他事件上,缺乏願意挺身而出者,任何人都可能是下一個受害者。 請讓我們一起為大家健康和權益目標攜手前進。
Riva~* 2013-03-05 21:13:56 #84F
正直熱心的人? 噁~~ 飯可以亂吃,話不可以亂說, 那位小姐毁謗一個公司,難道不該處理嗎? 更河況在真相未明白之前,這位小姐取然可以自己判斷是j&j許可的?? 她是檢察官還是法官, 事件是發生在台灣costco,鐵證如山, 散播不實言論本來就該為自己說的話負責!!!
Riva~* 2013-03-05 21:21:04 #85F
最後一次回應,不願再與這種說話無憑據的人打交道, 免得降低自己格調! j&j公司在美國決對不可能"同意"或"默許"這種偷換標籤損及商譽之事, 反正這位小姐,您將會為自己的行為付出代價!
ellev333 2013-03-05 21:34:15 #86F
既然要寫就寫比較專業一點的英文...針針見血!XD 加油喔! To the General Manager of Costco. I'm a Costco member who resides in Taiwan. (I'm a resident of Taiwan.) I'm writing this letter as I feel that Costco (TW) does not respect its members here. I hope Costco US can do something to rectify this situation. Please don't let Costco TW ruin the clean reputation that Costco Wholesale head office has made for itself since 1983. Unfortunately, from now onwards, I will not buy anything from Costco TW as I believe that Costco TW changes the manufacturing dates and also the expiry dates on certain products (especially fresh foods.) This act of dishonesty is unacceptable. I feel really disappointed that Costco TW can stoop to such a low level of shame. Why would we pay for annual membership to buy products that are near their dates of expiry, stale products? We are afraid that we'll continue to get hurt by the defective shopping carts that should be maintained and fixed on a regular basis. We are afraid that if we consume the already-expired foods, that we'll get upset stomachs or food poisoning. We are afraid that the foods that we buy will be contaminated by the dirty traffic cones that are in place around stores. We are afraid that if we return goods and products, we'll encounter problems, to the extent that the police are called in. We are afraid that we honestly cannot differentiate the true manufacture and expiry dates on consumable products. We are afraid that Costco will turn a blind eye and these shameful acts will continue. We hope that Costco Wholesale's head office can take responsibility and main industry standards, and not let Costco Taiwan ruin the well-respected reputation that Costco Wholesale has made for itself around the globe. Please take action against, or even change the unreliable management and operators in Taiwan. There are 9 Costco shops country-wide in Taiwan, with 4 of the stores reaching top 20 within Costco Wholesale globally. We Taiwanese consumers will not continue to shop at Costco if things do not change. We deserve better! Best regards,
matinee05 2013-03-05 22:30:54 #87F
拜託. 這是討論區有些言論可能不當或是過火了但是不要動不動就要告人好嗎? 我個人非常對美國慣性告人的文化感到反感. 台灣出這種問題本來就需要正視 如果無意有意傷害到某公司可以用辯論或找出證據或其他方式來化解 我也曾經為美國公司工作過但我不以為美國公司管理不會出問題. 或許護主心切但是別忘了我們台灣人是否應該別再和自己人吵架了.
抱歉 手再癢,再改一下上一篇的英文信: near their dates of expiry=>語意有點怪,我說不上來,其實寫 expiry dates或expiration dates 就可以了,這個near,我覺得可以用其他字代替,但現在想不出來 consumable products=>如果指"消耗品",寫consumables即可 differentiate=>這個詞其實跟distinguish不太一樣的,我不會解釋,但是如果是一般肉眼之下的"區別",通常用distinguish take responsibility=>take on 才是"承擔"之意, take on responsibility才是"負責任",不太懂為何台灣人很喜歡用 take responsibility well-respected=>名聲通常用well-established當形容詞就可以了,一個well-established的公司通常是聲譽好又歷史悠久的公司,respect通常用於"人",若是指事物,應譯為"重視"或注重" There are 9 Costco shops country-wide in Taiwan, with 4 of the stores reaching top 20 within Costco Wholesale globally.=>這裡的with很怪,若是指"其中四間",不該用with 以上只是大略看了一下,之前那一封信有些地方沒改到 順便一提 "企業責任"一詞是"corporate responsibility" "企業社會責任"(Corporate Social Responsibility,簡稱CSR)已是專有名詞了 =============================================== 另外先聲明一下,本人只是改一下英文信,並無牽涉任何立場 (原作者於 2013-03-05 22:37:16 重新編輯過)
matinee05 2013-03-05 22:36:39 #89F
TO 每天財源滾滾來 從妳的改信學到很多正確的英文. 哈
其實我覺得mobile 01原po的英文信思考邏輯怪怪的 但我不是當事人,所以沒改很多, 建議如果要寫信給美國相關單位 請舉出實證,否則他們不太可能受理






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