

Kaori5617 2012-07-09 18:50:43 版主 591

因為想到從加州開車到Vegas玩, 才突然想到~ 國際駕照能不能在美國開車這問題

爬了半天文, 發現美國真的是一個複雜的國家


在台灣網頁上找的訊息, 不是太舊, 就是眾說紛云...有人說可以, 但限10天, 有人說限30天...

就算是旅遊網站或是監理所的, 也因為都沒有最新2012年的訊息...


還好還好... 小女子英文還不錯, 衝上了CA的Moto Vehicle Commisition, 去找到了正確的答案



觀光者的話, 是可以拿國際駕照在加州開車的, 但在台灣google時, 有人建議台灣駕照也一併帶著

如果變成加州居民的話, 必須要在10天之內換美國駕照

但, 只有居民可以考美國駕照, 拿觀光簽證或是學生簽證的人都不行!

所以對於我們只是要去玩或生寶寶的人...我們都不是居民, 請安心的拿國際駕照在加州租開車吧) (^^)

Reference: http://www.dmv.ca.gov/dl/dl_info.htm

原文 (其實重點就在第一句我標起來的地方而已, 其他我就瞇過去而已..如果有什麼我看漏的重點, 再麻煩大家告訴我囉..感恩感恩)

How to apply for a driver license if you are over 18

"If you are a visitor in California over 18 and have a valid driver license from your home state or country, you may drive in this state without getting a California driver license as long as your home state license remains valid."

If you become a California resident, you must get a California driver license within 10 days. Residency is established by voting in a California election, paying resident tuition, filing for a homeowner’s property tax exemption, or any other privilege or benefit not ordinarily extended to nonresidents.

To apply for an original driver license if you are over 18, you will need to do the following:

Visit a DMV office (make an Appointment(s) for faster service)

Complete application form DL 44 (An original DL 44 form must be submitted. Copies will not be accepted.)

Give a thumb print

Have your picture taken

Provide your social security number. It will be verified with the Social Security Administration while you are in the office.

Verify your birth date and legal presence If your current name no longer matches the name on your birth data/legal presence document, see “True Full Name” and “How to Change Your Name” for more information.

Provide your true full name

Pay the application fee

Pass a vision exam

Pass a traffic laws and sign test. There are 36 questions on the test. You have three chances to pass.(Sample Test)

Note: To allow you sufficient time for testing DMV will not be administering written or audio exams after 4:30 p.m.

You will then be issued a permit if you have never been licensed before. When you practice, you must have an accompanying adult who is 18 years of age or older, with a valid California license. This person must be close enough to you to take control of the vehicle if necessary. It is illegal for you to drive alone.

If you have a license from another country, you will be required to take a driving test. If you have a license from another state, the driving test can be waived.

To take your driving test, you will need to:

Make a driving test Appointment(s) . (Driving tests are not given without an appointment.) You may also call 1–800–777–0133 between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday–Friday, to make a driving test appointment.

Provide proof of financial responsibility

California Insurance Requirements

You have three chances to pass the driving test. If you fail, you may practice for a while, then make another appointment. There is no waiting period, but you must make an appointment. If you fail to successfully complete the driving test on the first attempt, you must pay a $6 fee for each additional driving test that is administered under an application for an original or renewal driver license.

After you pass your driving test you will be issued an interim license valid for 90 days until you receive your new photo license in the mail. Double–check your address before you leave DMV and tell the DMV representative if you have moved or if your address is incorrect. If you have not received your license after 60 days, call 1–800–777–0133 and they can check on the status for you. Have your interim license with you to provide information when requested.

If your name is different on your birth date and/or legal presence document than the one you are currently using, you will also need to provide an additional acceptable document to establish your true full name, such as; a marriage certificate, dissolution of marriage, adoption or name change document that shows your current name.

於2012-07-09 19:02:38 補充發言
補充內華達州 (Vegas)的開車規定 Nevada honors licenses and permits issued by the appropriate government agency in another state or country. An International Driver License is not required for foreign visitors. Drivers under 18 must obey the restrictions listed under Nevada Teen Driving. Reference: http://www.dmvnv.com/faqs.htm
LoveBB媽咪 2012-07-17 17:21:08 #1F
Dear 媽咪, 去年從CA回來, 除了國際駕照請一定要帶台灣駕照,就可以正常租車開車了~只有國際駕照的話,比較大家的租車公司是不會讓你租車的哦! 國際駕照到底能不能在加州開車_1F_img_1
Kaori5617 2012-07-19 15:38:42 #2F
謝謝LoveBB媽咪的補充哦 (^^)








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